Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Pierre Reverdy was a surrealist poet, one time lover of Coco Chanel, and lived, for a large part of his life as a recluse in a monastery.

Nancy Mitford was one of the infamous Mitford sisters, a novelist, a stubborn Francophile, and impressive wit.

Evelyn Waugh wrote Scoop, Brideshead Revisited, Vile Bodies (the inspiration for the film dir. by Stephen Fry,  Bright Young Things), and oddly enough, was an agnostic...

Peter Mandelson was one of the minds that helped create New Labour and whether he worked towards it or not, had a political reputation as a spin doctor, once known as someone who could write the next day's headlines.

If you're looking for a book to get lost in on a Sunday afternoon, the Penguin Dictionary of Symbols is just your ticket.

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